With Plexihealth, you can:
-Search nearby doctors by their names,
-Search the clinic /Hospitals
-Confused about which specialist to consult for your condition? Search by your condition and get list of doctors who are best in treating your condition/disease
-know about your doctor,his available timings in different clinics/hospitals and their exact location
-Instant,realtime appointment booking of any doctor at any clinic/Hospital
-Hasle free registration process at Hospital/Clinic with No ques
-Manage your profile with your basic details and chronic diseases which helps your doctor knows better of you before consultation only
-Add your family members to track the health records of your dependents
-Reschedule/cancel your appointments
-Live tracking of your appointment que
-automated follow up booking and reminder for the same
-Rate and review your consultation and help others too
-Manage your favorite doctors list and book appointment with them in very few clicks
-Know about the Healthcamps being conducted nearby and keep monitoring your health